A huge thank you to the over 2500 OTs who renewed their registration on ACOT’s General or Provisional Registers on time this year. We are pleased to report that this year we only needed to notify...(Read Article)
New Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries Practice Guideline, New Lessons Learned Articles
New Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries Practice Guideline! Maintaining appropriate professional and sexual boundaries is a critical part of an OT’s practice. ACOT has developed...(Read Article)
Lessons Learned from the Hearing Tribunal Discipline Decision – John Walker
On January 30, 2025 the Hearing Tribunal released a decision finding John Walker [Registrant] guilty of unprofessional conduct. The Facts The facts underlying the...(Read Article)
Renewal Deadline, Renewal & CCP Support Series
RENEWAL DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 28, 2025 The deadline for renewal is fast approaching on February 28, 2025. Ensuring your renewal is completed on time is crucial to maintaining your authorization to...(Read Article)
Early Bird Renewal Fee Reminder, Profile Updates, Challenges Completing Renewal
Early-Bird Renewal Fee Reminder There are just a few more days to take advantage of ACOT’s early-bird renewal fee. Important!! – remember to: · login in to cancel your practice permit...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for November 25, 2024
To view, click here:...(Read Article)
Black History Month, CCP Support Series, SoP, CoE & CCPM Presentation, and Private Practice Reminder
Black History Month ACOT remains committed to implementing the short- medium- and long-term recommended actions outlined in the AARI Final Report. See our website for our commitment...(Read Article)
Renewal & CCP Support Series, ACOT on Social Media
Renewal & CCP Support Series Do you want a brief overview of ACOT’s Refreshed CCP? Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP and how to complete it during Renewal? Do you...(Read Article)
Thank you, Renewal & CCP Support Series, Parental Leave Info
Thank You, Early Birds A huge thank you to our proactive Alberta OTs who’ve already renewed their registration for 2025-2026! Your commitment to meeting this requirement is truly...(Read Article)
Renewal Reminders, Renewal & CCP Support Series
Renewal Reminders ACOT staff take pride in replying promptly to phone calls, emails and approving profile updates. However, as call/email volumes increase during the renewal period, delays may...(Read Article)
Handy Renewal Resources: Step-by-Step Guide to Renewal and Video Tips on How to Update Employment Information, Holiday Closure
As you get ready to renew your practice permit in January, you can check out our handy renewal resources: step-by-step guide to renewal, video tips on how to update your employment...(Read Article)
Renewal Opens, Renewal Fees, What’s New with Renewal 2025, Race-Based and Indigenous Identity Data, Holiday Closure
Renewal Opens January 1, 2025 You will be able to renew your practice permit online beginning on January 1, 2025. Access the Registrant Login to the online platform at acot.ca. Note: it can...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for October 29, 2024
To view, click here:...(Read Article)
ACOT Renewal Fees Reminder, CCP Meetups
ACOT Renewal Fees Reminder CCP Meetups Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)? Do you want a review of Reflective Practice and how to...(Read Article)
What’s New with Renewal 2025, Race-Based and Indigenous Identity data
What’s New with Renewal 2025? Updating your Profile information When registrants login to renew their registration for 2025-2026, they might notice a few changes. ACOT recently...(Read Article)
Roles and Responsibilities for ACOT, SAOT, CAOT & Employers, Reminder to Make Renewal a Smooth Process
Roles and Responsibilities for ACOT, SAOT, CAOT & Employers ACOT often gets questions about the different roles and responsibilities for ACOT, SAOT, CAOT, and employers. Check out the...(Read Article)
A message from an ACOT Councillor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiEvrihcO-4 Did you know that Competence is an Ethical Responsibility? In the previous version of ACOT's Code of...(Read Article)
Celebrating World OT Day 2024 with WFOT
Join WFOT and celebrate with OTs from around the globe. The theme for this year is: "Occupational Therapy for All."Check out the resources WFOT offers for you to use to help promote and...(Read Article)
Reminder – ACOT Open Forum 24 October 2024, Communicating with Clients
Reminder - ACOT Open Forum 24 October 2024 ACOT invites you to join us in a discussion about potential voluntary collection of equityfocused data – race and Indigenous identity. The discussion...(Read Article)
ACOT’s new Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, This Week’s CCP Meet Up: An Open Q&A Session
Have you read ACOT's new Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics? On September 28, 2024, ACOT Council approved the highly anticipated, refreshed Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Much...(Read Article)
24 October 2024 Open Forum on Collection of Equity Focused Data
ACOT invites you to join us in a discussion about potential voluntary collection of equity focused data – race and Indigenous identity. The discussion will take place on 24 October 2024 from 7-8...(Read Article)
OT MONTH – A Message from ACOT’s President, CCP Meetups
A Message from ACOT’s President Happy Occupational Therapy Month! https://youtu.be/QYE51UjaLHM CCP Meetups Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the Continuing Competence...(Read Article)
OT MONTH – A Message from ACOT’s CEO/Registrar, Refreshed SoP and CoE and the New CCPM Are Live, Practice Query Webinars are Live!
A Message from ACOT’s CEO/Registrar Happy Occupational Therapy Month! A message from ACOT’s CEO & Registrar. https://youtu.be/8LE5phAl0_w Refreshed SoP and CoE and the New CCPM...(Read Article)
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Schedule for ACOT’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Fall Meet Ups, Open Forum Reminder
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, 2024, is Canada’s 4th National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This honours the lost children and Survivors of residential schools,...(Read Article)
Council Open Forum on Diagnosis and OTs
You’re invited to participate in ACOT Council’s open forum on Saturday September 28, 2024 from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. online at click here to join the open forum on Sept...(Read Article)
Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) Survey Report
Thank you to the over 200 OTs who participated in the 2024 Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) survey this summer. ACOT is pleased to provide you with the survey results here, which will...(Read Article)
Queries – What to Expect, Fall CCP Meet Ups, Reminder for Private Practice OTs
What to Expect When You Contact ACOT About a Practice Query Do you have a practice question that you want some input on? Are you wondering how ACOT responds to practice queries? Here is what you...(Read Article)
Notice of Cancellation of ACOT Practice Permit #5192
Please be advised that the former ACOT practice permit #5192 for Gokul Pathak has been cancelled effective August 30, 2024, due to unprofessional conduct, pursuant to the Hearing Tribunal orders of...(Read Article)
New LMS Functionality Coming, and Thank You
New Functionality Coming ACOT is excited about the upcoming addition of a learning management system (LMS) to our online registration and continuing competence program (CCP) platform. This...(Read Article)
Clients Relocated to BC Due to Fires in Alberta
Our thoughts are with those in Jasper and beyond who have been evacuated due to the fires in Alberta. We have heard from the College of Health and Care Professions of BC that their practice across...(Read Article)
Welcome, Thank You and Congratulations
Welcome ACOT is pleased to announce that Jennifer MacKendrick Weber has joined our team in the role of Director, Regulation & Policy. Jennifer comes to us from Alberta Health Services...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Summer Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the Refreshed CCP? Or how to...(Read Article)
Last Few Days for Survey – Exploring Diagnosis Within OT Practice in Alberta
ACOT is looking at diagnosis as part of a wider effort to update how OT practice is described in Schedule 15 of the Health Professions Act. Results will also inform things such as whether...(Read Article)
CCP Review and Evaluation Update
Reviews of CCP Submissions Completed The Review and Evaluation of the 2023-2024 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions is complete. A big thank-you to the members of ACOT’s Competence...(Read Article)
ACOT is looking at diagnosis as part of a wider effort to update how OT practice is described in Schedule 15 of the Health Professions Act. Results will also inform things such as whether...(Read Article)
2024 Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) Survey Extension
ACOT is looking for more OTs to complete our Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) survey - we are extending the survey for another five days, to June 21, 2024. Survey link:...(Read Article)
Survey – Exploration of Diagnosis Within OT Practice in Alberta
ACOT is looking at diagnosis as part of a wider effort to update how OT practice is described in Schedule 15 of the Health Professions Act. Results will also inform things such as whether...(Read Article)
2024 Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) Survey
ACOT invites you to complete our 2024 Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) survey. Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZBQRGNV This survey is a follow up to the original survey...(Read Article)
ACOT Wants to Hear From You!
Upcoming Surveys Look for two surveys coming to your eNews in June. The first is a follow up from our 2021 Acting Against Racism and Intolerance survey, it will be opened June 3, 2024 and run...(Read Article)
OTs and Diagnosis Survey, A Farewell, and ACOT is Hiring
Looking for up to Twenty Volunteers - OTs and Diagnosis Survey ACOT is exploring the current role of occupational therapists in diagnosing physical and mental health conditions. We have...(Read Article)
ACOT’s Mandate and Governing Council, Is Your Private Practice Listed?
ACOT’s Mandate and Our Governing Council Did you know that ACOT’s primary mandate is protection of the public interest? To fulfill this mandate, ACOT’s operations include our registration...(Read Article)
Council Open Forum Reminder
Council Open Forum You’re invited to participate in ACOT Council’s open forum on Saturday April 20, 2024 from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. online at click here on April 20 to join...(Read Article)
Review & Evaluation and Council Open Forum
Review and Evaluation ACOT’s governing legislation requires us to select a sample of OTs’ Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions periodically for review and evaluation. We are...(Read Article)
Brand New DRAFT Standard of Practice Ready for Registrant Review
Although the drafts of the eleven remaining Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE) are still with government, a new Acting to Address Indigenous-specific Racism SoP has been drafted...(Read Article)
Reflections After Our Most Successful Registration Renewal
By February 29, 2024, over 98% of our over 2500 OTs renewed their registration on ACOT’s General or Provisional Registers. Thank you to all those who completed this on time, and a special thank...(Read Article)
Do you have an interest in professional conduct issues? Have you been wondering how you can use your skills to serve the public in a different way? Are you looking for ways to continue to learn and...(Read Article)
Communication Tips from ACOT’s Complaints Director
Occupational therapists often ask how they can avoid complaints from clients. While there is no specific formula to 100% protect yourself from a complaint, the good news is that there are things you...(Read Article)
We've had a higher number of calls since the start of January from new OT graduates (currently Provisional OTs) and their supervisors asking for guidance on supervision and documentation co-signing...(Read Article)
RENEWAL DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 The deadline for renewal is fast approaching on February 29, 2024. Ensuring your renewal is completed on time is crucial to maintaining your authorization to...(Read Article)
Allow Time for Review - Early Bird Deadline Approaching! (5 days Left) In our recent communication about the upcoming renewal deadlines, we inadvertently omitted a crucial piece of information,...(Read Article)
Renewal Reminder: Don't Miss the Early Bird Deadline! (6 days Left) As we approach the end of renewal season, we would like to extend a friendly reminder about the upcoming deadlines and the...(Read Article)
Renewal Reminders We are pleased to report that we once again have a record number of registrants with renewed permits so far compared to this point in past years!! ACOT Staff take pride in...(Read Article)
CCP REVIEW AND EVALUATION ARTICLE NOW AVAILABLE Since 2022, ACOT staff have been working together with the University of Alberta’s Rehabilitation Research Centre to analyze and interpret the...(Read Article)
APPRECIATION FOR EARLY COMMITMENT Acknowledgments to our proactive Alberta Occupational Therapists who have diligently renewed their registration for the 2024-2025 period. Your steadfast...(Read Article)
THANK YOU, EARLY BIRDS Hats off to our proactive Alberta OTs who've already renewed their registration for 2024-2025! Your commitment to meeting this requirement is truly appreciated. We would...(Read Article)
Renewal Reminders We have the first week of practice permit renewal under our belts and are pleased to report that we have a record number of registrants with renewed permits so far compared to...(Read Article)
RENEWAL 2024, New Fee Structure, Mandatory Modules, HOLIDAY OFFICE CLOSURE
Renewal Opens January 1, 2024 You will be able to renew your practice permit online beginning on January 1, 2024. Access the Registrant Login to the online platform at acot.ca. Note: it...(Read Article)
Changes at ACOT in Effect for 2024-2025, CCP Meetups
Changes at ACOT in Effect for 2024-2025 Continuing Competence Program Meet Ups Ready to enhance your Continuing Competence Program (CCP) experience? Join ACOT for our 30-minute...(Read Article)
A message from ACOT’s President, CCP Meetups
A message from ACOT's President https://youtu.be/9QtC1-EnWmQ CCP Meetups Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)? Do you want a review of...(Read Article)
A message from an ACOT Councillor, CCP Meetups
A message from an ACOT Councillor https://youtu.be/cP2LVbbEmww CCP Meetups Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)? Do you want a...(Read Article)
OT MONTH – A Message from ACOT’s CEO/Registrar
Happy Occupational Therapy Month! A message from ACOT's CEO &...(Read Article)
Changes at ACOT in Effect for 2024-2025 Renewal Cycle
...(Read Article)
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30, 2023, is Canada’s 3rd National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This honours the lost children and Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. As public...(Read Article)
Council Open Forum
You’re invited to participate in ACOT Council’s open forum on Saturday September 30, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. online at click here on September 30 to join the meeting. This is your...(Read Article)
Updates to ACOT’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP)
When it comes time to renew your practice permit by the end of February 2024, you’ll notice two versions of our CCP. In Step 2 of Renewal, you will wrap up your 2023-2024 CCP using the same...(Read Article)
Mandatory Training, Council Open Forum
Over the past few years, ACOT has introduced mandatory training on topics such as the 2021 Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada. This helps ensure all registered occupational...(Read Article)
Canada Revenue Agency Notice
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has notified ACOT that the names of some registered occupational therapists are being used together with false employer and contact information to verify a person’s...(Read Article)
Farewells and More Welcomes
Recently two of ACOT’s staff, Mallory Foreman and Ambere Porter, moved on to outside organizations for career advancement opportunities. We are grateful for Mallory and Ambere’s time with ACOT...(Read Article)
Presentations on our Progress – Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI)
ACOT released its AARI Final Report in September 2021, presenting recommendations for improving accountability, policies & practices, learning & development, and sector leadership. Since...(Read Article)
COVID Guideline Replaced, Progress Update on New Standards
New Infection Prevention and Control Guideline Available As mentioned in the June 19, 2023 eNews, the COVID-19 Guideline has been retired. A new Infection and Prevention Control practice guideline...(Read Article)
Team Changes at ACOT & Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day
A Farewell and Some Welcomes After 8 years of dedicated service, Mallory Foreman has left ACOT for a career advancement opportunity. We are grateful for Mallory’s friendly approach that she...(Read Article)
CCP Refresh – COMING SOON! & COVID-19 Guidelines Retired
Continuing Competency Program (CCP) Refresh – COMING SOON! ACOT’s CCP will be refreshed to match up with upcoming changes to Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics To align with the...(Read Article)
Wildfires in Alberta
Due to out-of-control wildfires, evacuation orders have been issued for several communities throughout Alberta. This is displacing OTs, clients and other health professionals. ACOT offers our...(Read Article)
Open Forum Summary
ACOT Council held an open forum on March 21, 2023. Hélène Sabourin, CEO of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists provided her update from CAOT: They have received a $150,000...(Read Article)
2023 Review and Evaluations
ACOT’s governing legislation requires us to select a sample of OTs’ Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions periodically for review and evaluation. We are preparing for the 2023 Review...(Read Article)
Is Your Private Practice Listed with ACOT? HPA Amendments Now in Force
Is Your Private Practice Listed with ACOT? Listing your Private Practice Did you know that even if you see a couple of clients “on the side” that you need to include this private practice as...(Read Article)
New People at ACOT!
New People at ACOT! We are pleased to welcome two new contract employees who will be working at ACOT until the end of February 2024. Judith Pinto is an occupational therapist with extensive...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for February 21, 2023
To view, click here: Council Minutes for February 21,...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for January 28, 2023
To view, click here: Council Minutes for January 28,...(Read Article)
Update on DRAFT Standards
Drafts of New Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics Submitted to Government! After a year of engagement in the development of ACOT’s new Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE)...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for November 29, 2022
To view, click here: Council Minutes for November 29,...(Read Article)
Open Forum, Reflections After Renewal, International Women’s Day
You’re invited to participate in Council’s open forum on Tuesday March 21, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. online at Click here on March 21 to join the meeting. This is your opportunity to...(Read Article)
Ask Alanna, Final Day of Renewal, New Contract Employment Opportunity with ACOT
Ask Alanna! This is an opportunity for registrants to join ACOT on MS Teams, to ask their questions LIVE. Alanna Ferguson, Director of Competence and Practice, will be available to coach...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series & Ask Alanna, Final Days of Renewal, eLearning
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
New Contract Employment Opportunity with ACOT & Ask Alanna!
New Contract Employment Opportunity with ACOT ACOT is seeking a registered occupational therapist for a Part-Time Temporary Practice Advisor contract position starting in April 2023 and ending...(Read Article)
CCP & Ask Alanna, Final Days of Renewal, Issues with eLearning
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
CCP & Ask Alanna, Final Days of Renewal, Issues with eLearning
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series & Ask Alanna
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for October 17, 2022
To view, click here: Council Minutes for October 17,...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series, Ask Alanna, New Standards for Review
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series, Ask Alanna, eLearning
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series, Ask Alanna, Challenges at Renewal, eLearning
CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series, Black History Month, Private Practice During Renewal
15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would you like to know why...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series, New Standards for Review, Renewal
15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would you like to know why you must complete the...(Read Article)
New ACOT Staff Titles, CCP Support Series, Renewal
New ACOT Staff Titles ACOT is pleased to announce that Alanna Ferguson has joined us permanently as our Director, Competence and Practice. Many of you will know Alanna from her role as Acting...(Read Article)
DRAFT Standards Ready for Review! CCP Support, Renewal
Have Your Say in ACOT’s New Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE) The members of the Refresh Project Working Groups and Steering Committee have worked together with ACOT staff...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series
15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would you like to know why you must complete the...(Read Article)
CCP Support Series, Renewal is OPEN, eLearning, Liability Insurance
15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would you like to know why you must complete the...(Read Article)
Renewal 2023, Liability Insurance, Holiday Office Closure
Renewal Opens January 1, 2023 You will be able to renew your practice permit online beginning on January 1, 2023. Access the Registrant Login to the online platform at www.acot.ca.Be sure to...(Read Article)
Liability Insurance at Renewal, Check us Out on Social Media, SoP/CoE Input Session TODAY, CCP Meet Ups
Liability Insurance at Renewal Last year at renewal you were required to upload current evidence of personally held liability insurance. This year we are switching to a declaration at the end of...(Read Article)
SoP/CoE Input Session – TODAY @ 12:30pm and Thursday evening
Please join us at one of the last two SoP/CoE Input Sessions. Click here to join today’s session - Tuesday Dec 13 – 12:30-1:30pm Or join Thursday evening instead - Thursday Dec 15 –...(Read Article)
SoP/CoE Input Session – TODAY @ Noon!
Please join us today for the first of six 1-hour SoP/CoE Input Sessions. Click the link to join at Noon - Monday December 5 – Noon-1pm Additional sessions are being offered throughout...(Read Article)
SoP/CoE Input Sessions & eLearning Mandatory Module
Have Your Say on ACOT’s New Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics You are welcome to join one of the 1-hour SoP/CoE Input Sessions scheduled in December. No need to pre-register, just click...(Read Article)
OTs Needed to Help NOTCE & Deadline for Input on Standards Approaching
OTs Needed to Help NOTCE Reflect the New Competencies In response to the new Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada (“Competencies”), which was released earlier this year, the...(Read Article)
More Standards Ready for Review & CCP Meet Ups
Options for Providing Input on the New Standards and Code of Ethics As we get closer to finalizing the drafts of ACOT’s new Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE), we are offering...(Read Article)
Join the Competence Committee, CCP Meet Ups, eLearning Mandatory Module
It’s Not Too Late! Join the Competence Committee Do you have an interest in ensuring Albertans receive safe and competent OT services? Are you interested in supporting ACOT with the review and...(Read Article)
Join the Competence Committee, CCP Meet Ups, eLearning Mandatory Module
Invitation for Four New ACOT Competence Committee Members Do you have an interest in ensuring Albertans receive safe and competent OT services? Are you interested in supporting ACOT with the...(Read Article)
OT Month! CCP Meet Ups & eLearning Mandatory Module
OT Month! As OT Month comes to an end, ACOT wants to send a heartfelt thank-you to you all for your hard work supporting Albertans and your dedication to the profession. #otmonth...(Read Article)
OT Month, CCP Meet Ups & eLearning Mandatory Module
Happy Occupational Therapy Month! Happy Occupational Therapy Month! Stayed tuned for more videos celebrating all that Occupational Therapists do! #otmonth #occupationaltherapy Whitney...(Read Article)
Have Your Say on the New Standards, OT Month & CCP Meet Ups
SoP Survey – Input Deadline Approaching The feedback survey for the draft Standards of Practice (SoP) Introduction, Communication & Collaboration SoP and Service Delivery SoP will close...(Read Article)
Input Needed on Draft Standards
More Draft Standards Ready for Review Thanks to the hard work of the Standards of Practice Working Group and Refresh Steering Committee, the next two draft Standards of Practice (SoP) are ready...(Read Article)
OT Month! Summary September 2022 Council Open Forum & CAOT Update
Happy Occupational Therapy Month! Happy Occupational Therapy Month! Stayed tuned for videos and shareable materials celebrating all that Occupational Therapists do! #otmonth...(Read Article)
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, eLearning Mandatory Module
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, 2022, is Canada’s 2nd National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This honours the lost children and Survivors of residential schools,...(Read Article)
Practice Visits & Continuing Competence Autumn Meet Ups
Practice Visits This year we will introduce Practice Visits. The intent is to assess Registrants’ adherence to ACOT’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Registrants who receive a Not...(Read Article)
Survey Deadline Approaching, Open Forum, Council Elections/Appointments
Input Needed on Draft Standards The survey to capture your feedback on the Competence and Restricted Activities Standards of Practice (SoP) will close Wednesday September 7th @ Noon. To date,...(Read Article)
Your Input Needed on Draft Standards
Draft Standards Ready for Review Thanks to the hard work of the Standards of Practice Working Group and Refresh Steering Committee, the Competence and Restricted Activities Standards of Practice...(Read Article)
Coming Soon! National eLearning Module
The National eLearning Module on the Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada will be available in September – keep an eye on your eNews for the login details. This...(Read Article)
CCP Review and Evaluation Update & CCP Meet Up
Reviews of CCP Submissions Completed The Review and Evaluation of the 10% of randomly selected 2021-2022 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions is complete. A big thank-you to the eleven...(Read Article)
New Informed Consent Guidelines, Standards Refresh & CCP Meet Up
New Practice Guidance on Informed Consent ACOT is pleased to post our new Practice Guideline on Informed Consent. This Guideline has been informed by a scan of other Colleges’ guidance on the...(Read Article)
Practice Queries & Standards Refresh
Standards of Practice Refresh The Standards of Practice (SoP) Refresh is well underway and has been looking at the historical data collected from fielding practice queries over the last year;...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Spring & Summer Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the CCP? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Would you...(Read Article)
COVID Guideline Update & CCP Meet Ups
COVID Guideline Update On June 14, the Alberta Government removed all mandatory public health restrictions. ACOT has reviewed the AB Government and AHS guidance and the messaging from our allied...(Read Article)
Mandatory Modules, Pride & CCP Meet Ups
Mandatory eLearning Modules An eLearning module for the updated Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada has been developed and is now being loaded into an online learning...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for April 26, 2022
To view, click here: Council Minutes for April 26,...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for March 21, 2022
To view, click here: Council Minutes for March 21,...(Read Article)
Staying the Course, COVID Guidelines
ACOT has fielded a few practice queries lately regarding our guidance on the Safe Delivery of OT Services During COVID-19. ACOT’s direction of continuous medical grade masking is in...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Spring & Summer Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the CCP? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Would you...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Spring & Summer Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the CCP? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Would you...(Read Article)
Review and Evaluations
ACOT’s governing legislation requires us to select a sample of OTs’ Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions periodically for review and evaluation. We are preparing for the 2022 Review...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for February 22, 2022
To view, click here: Council Minutes for February 22, 2022...(Read Article)
Mandatory eLearning Modules
An eLearning module for the updated Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada is expected to become available in June 2022. The Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada reflect...(Read Article)
Diverse Voices Sought for SoP/CoE Refresh Working Groups
SoP/CoE Working Group Members Needed Our Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE) Refresh engagement sessions are coming to a close and we are getting ready to start the process for...(Read Article)
Seeking Newly Practicing OTs & Standards of Practice Refresh
ACOTRO Call for Participants! Seeking Newly Practicing OTs Are you an occupational therapist that has practiced for two years or less? We are seeking your participation to pilot an open-book,...(Read Article)
Standards of Practice Refresh – Your Input is Needed!
If you would like to contribute to and shape ACOT’s future Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE), join us for one of the final two open engagement sessions. No need to pre-register...(Read Article)
Seeking OT Input!
Standards of Practice Refresh Thanks so much to the OTs who have attended one of the Standards of Practice (SoP) and Code of Ethics (CoE) Refresh engagement sessions to date – the unique...(Read Article)
Reflections After Renewal, Standards of Practice and International Women’s Day
Reflections After Registration Renewal By February 28, almost 2300 OTs renewed their registration on ACOT’s General or Provisional Registers. Thank you to all those who completed this...(Read Article)
Standards of Practice Refresh and Documentation
ACOT Needs Your Input! Upcoming amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA) and recommendations in ACOT’s Acting Against Racism and Intolerance Report provide a perfect opportunity to update...(Read Article)
COVID Update
Pandemic Restriction Easing The Government of Alberta’s announcement on February 26, 2022 regarding lifting of public health restrictions does not alter ACOT’s guidance for OTs at this time....(Read Article)
Black History Month, CCP Quick Support & Tips, Permit Renewal & Cancelling
Black History Month Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Quick Support Series Quick 15-minute refreshers on the Continuing Competence Program – edit your profile, write a reflection,...(Read Article)
COVID Update, CCP Quick Support, CCP Tips, Permit Renewal
COVID Update OTs should continue to employ appropriate Infection Prevention and Control Measures as outlined in the updated guideline Safe Delivery of OT Services During COVID-19 Continuing...(Read Article)
CCP Quick Support, CCP Tips, Permit Renewal
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Quick Support Series Quick 15-minute refreshers on the Continuing Competence Program – edit your profile, write a reflection, learning activity records and...(Read Article)
Alberta OT for SEAS Work, CCP Quick Support, Permit Renewal
Looking for an Alberta OT for SEAS Work All internationally educated occupational therapists (IEOTs) who wish to work as an OT in Canada must first complete the Substantial Equivalency Assessment...(Read Article)
Making it Through Wave 5, Cancelling Your Registration, SEAS Recruiting, CCP Series
Pandemic Update ACOT staff would again like to acknowledge how challenging and exhausting this pandemic continues to be for you and your colleagues – we can only begin to imagine how stressful...(Read Article)
Discipline Decision – Kris Nelson
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT) permanently cancelled the practice permit of Kris Nelson, effective December 14, 2021, based on a Hearing Tribunal order on this date. The...(Read Article)
Council Open Forum, Renewal, Discipline Decision
Council Open Forum You’re invited to participate in Council’s open forum on Saturday January 22, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. online at Click here on January 22 to join...(Read Article)
Council Open Forum, Renewal, Liability Insurance
Council Open Forum You’re invited to participate in Council’s open forum on Saturday January 22, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. online at Click here on January 22 to join...(Read Article)
Renewal, Liability Insurance & Happy Holidays
Renewal Opens January 1, 2022 You will be able to renew your practice permit online beginning on January 1, 2022. Access the Registrant Login to the online platform at www.acot.ca.Be sure to...(Read Article)
Discipline Decision – Kris Nelson
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT) has permanently cancelled the practice permit of Kris Nelson, effective December 14, 2021, based on a Hearing Tribunal order on this date....(Read Article)
It’s Here! Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada
We’re excited to deliver this news… we did it! Click image to view video The goal was to develop a single set of competencies that would clarify occupational therapy as a profession in...(Read Article)
CCP Meet Up, Resources & Complaints Tip
CCP Meet Up Reminder, the quarterly, Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Meet Up is on Nov 18, 2021, Noon-1pm. The Meet Ups are intended as a quick and easy way to get advice from ACOT and other...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for September 14, 2021
To view, click here: Council Minutes for September 14,...(Read Article)
Open Forum Summary, Mandatory Liability Insurance, Complaints Tip, 2-factor
Open Forum Summary ACOT’s Council held its latest Open Forum on October 18, 2021, with guest Hélène Sabourin, CEO of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT). Hélène...(Read Article)
World OT Day & 2-factor Authentication
Today's video features Jennifer Lee, Vice-President of the College Council and Chair of the Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) Committee. She shares her thoughts on the on-going...(Read Article)
OT Week & 2-factor Authentication
OT Week Today's video features Tiffany Poltz, public member of the College Council. She shares her thoughts on the role of public members on Council and the on-going efforts we can all make in...(Read Article)
OT Month, CCP Survey & 2-factor
OT Month This week's video features Jon Jon Rivero, OT and member of the AARI Committee. He shares his thoughts on OT Month and the on-going efforts we can all make in the journey towards...(Read Article)
OT Month, CCP Survey & Open Forum
OT Month This week's video features Andrea Petryk, Council President talking about OT Month and the AARI Final Report! Here’s a social media post for you to share! Alberta OTs are...(Read Article)
OT Month, CCP Survey & Open Forum
OT Month This week's video features Marianne Baird, Registrar and CEO talking about OT Month! Top 10 Questions to Ask Your OT Here’s a great graphic for you to share!...(Read Article)
Virtual Practice, Use of Protected Title & 2021 CCP Survey
Changes in Registration Requirements for Out of Province OTs Practicing Virtually in Alberta As per the June 10, 2021 eNews, Regulators of OTs across Canada have been in discussions regarding a...(Read Article)
OT Month, National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, 2-factor & Complaints Tip
October is OT Month! Happy Occupational Therapy Month! Stayed tuned for videos and shareable materials celebrating all that Occupational Therapists do! #otmonth #occupationaltherapy National...(Read Article)
Acting Against Racism & Intolerance Report
Over the past year, ACOT convened an OT Advisory Panel, an OT Committee and consultant group, Hilkewich et al, to explore the current state and develop recommended next steps for ACOT’s Acting...(Read Article)
New Pandemic Measures, Complaints Tip & 2-Factor
Implications of the Government of Alberta’s September 15 Announcement ACOT has started to field inquiries since the new temporary measures were announced the evening of Sept 15, 2021. We've...(Read Article)
CCP Review and Evaluation Update, Pandemic Update & 2-factor
Reviews of CCP Submissions Completed The Review and Evaluation of the 10% of randomly selected 2020-21 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Learning Plans is complete. A big thank-you to the ten...(Read Article)
CCP Meetup Tomorrow, 2-factor Authentication, Complaints Tip
Next CCP Meetup September 8, 2021 at 3pm The CCP Meet Ups are intended as a quick and easy way to get advice from ACOT and other OTs on what to document in your continuing competence...(Read Article)
Review and Evaluation Results, CCP Meetup Sept. 8, Two-factor Authentication, Complaints Tip
Review and Evaluation Results Registrants who had their 2020-2021 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions reviewed this year will be notified of their results in September (accessed and...(Read Article)
Pandemic Update, Call for Volunteers, Complaints Tip
No Change in ACOT’s Pandemic Guidance The announcements made by the Chief Medical Officer of Health on July 28 and August 13 do not alter ACOT’s guidance outlined in the Safe Delivery of OT...(Read Article)
Liability Insurance, Top Causes of Unprofessional Conduct, Two-Factor Authentication
Mandatory Liability Insurance Starting in 2022, ACOT will require all registering OTs to personally hold a minimum of $5 million in professional liability insurance – employer’s insurance...(Read Article)
Practice Questions & Top Causes of Unprofessional Conduct
Frequently Asked Practice Questions Some of the most frequent practice questions we get at the ACOT office are about documentation requirements and about setting up a private practice....(Read Article)
Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan
Guidance for OTs as the Province Reopens July 1 Late yesterday afternoon, we received the following direction from Alberta Health in response to our inquiries about what Stage 3 of the...(Read Article)
Review and Evaluations Resuming
ACOT’s governing legislation requires us to select a sample of OT’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions periodically for review and evaluation (formerly known as audits). We...(Read Article)
Pandemic, Virtual Practice MOU, AARI Updates
OT Practice Guidelines Still in Place for Stage 2 Reopening Since the Premier announced Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan, the Colleges of the various regulated health professions have been...(Read Article)
ACOT Staff Changes, Improvements to CCP Forms
ACOT Staff Changes ACOT will be saying goodbye to our Complaints Director, Kerstin Hurd this month. Kerstin has been with ACOT for the past year and has done a fantastic job in the role. She is...(Read Article)
Call for Applications! Complaint Review Committee & Hearing Tribunal Membership List
Do you have an interest in professional conduct issues? Have you been wondering how you can use your skills to serve the public in a different way? Are you looking for ways to continue to learn and...(Read Article)
Virtual Practice, Review and Evaluations Resuming
Virtual Practice across Provinces The Occupational Therapy regulators across Canada are in process of creating a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) whereby OTs providing virtual services in...(Read Article)
Public Health Measures & Career Opportunity
Stronger Public Health Measures The heightened measures announced on May 4 (effective May 9) do not change the guidance for the provision of health services. Continue to follow the...(Read Article)
Council Changes, Staff Changes & Recruitment, CCP Meet Up May 11
ACOT President and VP Changes ACOT welcomes back Andrea Petryk to the role of Council President. Thank-you to Jennifer Lee and Arwen Caines for their time in the Interim President and Interim...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) News
Quarterly Continuing Competence Program Meet Ups Do you need a refresher on how to add or edit content in your annual continuing competence Learning Plan? Would you like advice and guidance on...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for February 22, 2021
To view, click here: Council Minutes February 22,...(Read Article)
Additional Information for Vaccines Phase 2C
In follow-up to the Premier’s announcement on Saturday, April 10 that health care workers are now eligible to book appointments for immunization starting April 12, please find below and attached...(Read Article)
Phase 2C Vaccination Update
Eligibility for Phase 2C of the COVID-19 Vaccine Program The Government of Alberta announced on April 10 that Phase 2C of vaccination eligibility begins on April 12. Regulated health...(Read Article)
Cancelling Registration, OT and Blue Cross
Cancelling Registration If at any point in the registration year you are planning to stop practicing OT in Alberta (for example due to retirement, leave of absence, maternity leave, moving to...(Read Article)
CORECOM-CANCOM Survey Reminder
Closing soon! Take the CoreCom-CanCom survey. Review the competency document and complete the survey! Last chance! If you haven’t completed the CoreCom-CanCom survey yet, there’s still...(Read Article)
Vaccine Information, Reflections After Registration Renewal
Vaccine Information from Government of Alberta As we have just passed the one year mark since the first public health measures were announced, we have been notified by the Government of Alberta...(Read Article)
ACOT Registrant Survey
Dear ACOT Registrants:ACOT has commenced work towards the goal to create an organizational culture that is free from racism and intolerance and is inclusive to equity seeking groups, namely Black,...(Read Article)
CORECOM Survey & Happy Women’s Day
It’s here! Take the CoreCom-CanCom Survey Watch the video, complete the survey, and spread the news! Your voice is needed! Occupational therapy organizations and regulators across the...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for January 23, 2021
To view, click here: Council Minutes January 23,...(Read Article)
Registration Renewal Reminder
Registration Renewal Reminder – Only 6 days left Thanks to the ~1400 OTs who have completed their registration renewal already! If you are one of the almost 1000 still yet to initiate or finish...(Read Article)
Registration Renewal Reminder, Review & Evaluations
Registration Renewal Reminder As of February 17, 2021, almost half of our close to 2,400 OTs have completed their registration renewal for 2021-2022, and 386 OTs are in the process of completing...(Read Article)
Are you passionate about supporting your profession to provide competent services to the public? Do you have expertise in interpretation of legislation, regulations, standards of practice and codes...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for November 24, 2020
To view, click here: Council Minutes November 24,...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for October 24, 2020
To view, click here: ACOT Council Meeting Minutes October 24,...(Read Article)
Continuing Care Legislation Review, Updated COVID-19 Info
Invitation to Participate in Continuing Care Legislation Review The Government of Alberta is undertaking the development of new legislation for the continuing care system in Alberta with the...(Read Article)
Permit Renewal Declarations, Registration Reminder, OTs Have Impact!
Permit Renewal Declarations We have been reviewing the files for OTs who have renewed their practice permits for 2021-2022 and noticed that a significant percentage have declared they have...(Read Article)
Discipline Decision – Farah Hodgson
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT) has suspended the practice permit of Farah Hodgson, effective December 28, 2020 for one month, based on a Hearing Tribunal written decision...(Read Article)
COVID-19 Updates, Open Forum, Registration Reminder & CCP Sessions
COVID-19 Updates Please note the guidance in the November 27 version of the COVID-19 Safe Delivery of OT Services During a Pandemic practice guideline is still relevant and applicable even with...(Read Article)
Your CCP, January Open Forum Selection, Renewal Opening January 1, Happy Holidays
Editing & Updating Your Continuing Competence Program (CCP) We’ve received several questions about whether it is acceptable to change Learning Plan goals, for example, to reflect changes in...(Read Article)
Dec. 8 Public Health Measures Announcement, AHS Recruiting COVID-19 Contact Tracers, UBC Study
December 8 Public Health Measures Announcement The delivery of health services is not included in the latest public health measures government announced relating to the closure of personal and...(Read Article)
Message to OTs from the Alberta Office of the Superintendent of Insurance
ACOT has been asked to distribute the following information on automobile insurance regulatory changes that will affect OTs working in this area. If you have questions about the following...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for September 15, 2020
To view, click here: Council Minutes for September 15,...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for June 20, 2020
To view, click here: Council Minutes for June 20,...(Read Article)
Invitation to Participate in Statistics Canada Survey on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Below is an invitation to complete a short questionnaire on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health care workers. This crowdsourcing initiative is a collaboration between Statistics Canada,...(Read Article)
Mandatory Training, Upcoming CCP Info Sessions, & ACOT Response to Nov. 24 Public Health Measures
Reminder - Mandatory Training This is a reminder to complete the mandatory training on prevention of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct, which must be completed by all registrants by the end of...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Program Info Sessions Dec 2020 – Jan 2021 & Open Forum Summary
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Information Sessions - Back by popular demand! ACOT is hosting another set of virtual CCP information sessions in December and January. The sessions this year...(Read Article)
CORECOM Update, OT Month & Happy Halloween
CORECOM Update CORECOM is a collaborative initiative to develop a single competency document that will outline entry to practice competencies and describe competencies used throughout...(Read Article)
Today is World OT Day
October 27 is World OT Day! Celebrate World OT Day by sharing these special infographics! This year’s theme celebrates the expertise of occupational therapy for reimagining...(Read Article)
OT Month & Updated COVID-19 Guidance
OT Month Celebrate OT Month by sharing these special infographics and video! What ACOT’s Council Does with President Andrea Petryk and Vice-President Jennifer Lee Top 10 Questions to...(Read Article)
OT Month & Open Forum
Celebrate OT Month by sharing this special video! What Does the College Do? With Registrar, Marianne Baird Open Forum October 24 You’re invited to participate in Council’s open forum...(Read Article)
Celebrate OT Month by Sharing these Special Infographics!
Canadian Institute for Health Information cihi.ca Map of OTs in Canada 2019 Global Perspectives wfot.org World Occupational Therapists by the Numbers This year’s...(Read Article)
OT Month, Happy Thanksgiving & Office Closure
OT Month Celebrate OT Month by sharing these special infographics and voice messages! Occupational Therapy in Alberta OT Month Operations Update Due to construction and the...(Read Article)
CCP Survey Reminder, OT Month & Open Forum
CCP Review and Evaluation Process Survey Reminder There’s still time to have YOUR say! ACOT is gathering input on its proposed Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Review and Evaluation...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) – YOUR input is needed!
CCP Review and Evaluation Process Survey This is YOUR chance to offer input on ACOT’s CCP review and evaluation processes (formerly known as CCP Audits) and the proposed CCP Submission Rubric....(Read Article)
Action Against Racism and Intolerance Update, Continuing Competence Program Survey
Action Against Racism and Intolerance Update Over the summer ACOT has continued its work on taking Action Against Racism and Intolerance. We have learned more about the importance of ensuring...(Read Article)
Updated COVID-19 Guidance – OTs Use of Masks
The recent order from Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (Order 33-2020) expands and formalizes the non-medical mask wearing requirements for students, staff and visitors to schools....(Read Article)
Bill 30, Additional Proposed Changes to the Health Professions Act, New Practice Resources
Bill 30 Bill 30, the Health Statutes Amendment Act 2020 includes the Health Professions Act amendment that will directly impact ACOT, effective April 1, 2021. This amendment will increase the...(Read Article)
Practice & Continuing Competence Guidance Resources, Acting Against Racism Update
Practice & Continuing Competence Guidance Resources ACOT staff will be updating and adding to the collection of practice guidance and continuing competence resources throughout the summer and...(Read Article)
Updated COVID-19 Guidance & Auditing Survey Moved
Updated COVID-19 Guidance The ACOT COVID-19 guidance document has been updated to reflect the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s (CMOH) June 10th announcement about the relaunch of schools in...(Read Article)
Council Minutes for January 25, 2025
To view, click here: https://acot.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Final-Council-Meeting-Minutes-25-January-2025-.pdf...(Read Article)
ACOT Practice Permit #2404 Notice of Suspension
Please be advised that the ACOT practice permit #2404 for John Walker will be suspended effective February 13, 2025, for a minimum of three months and potentially extending up to nine months. The...(Read Article)
Discipline Decision – John Walker
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT) has suspended the practice permit of John Walker, #2404, effective February 13, 2025, for up to nine months, based on a Hearing Tribunal order...(Read Article)