Process for Submitting Complaint

The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT) is the governing body for registered occupational therapists in Alberta. It is ACOT’s responsibility to investigate and address complaints against occupational therapists. The process for handling complaints, including investigation and hearings, is set out in Part 4 of the Health Professions Act. Please be assured that ACOT takes all complaints seriously.

Information about the complaints process can be made available in any language. Language interpretation services are also available. Please contact the Complaints Director to arrange.

If you have any questions about the complaint process, do not hesitate to contact the Complaints Director by phone 780-436-8381 ext. 403 or email

Please note: if you do not receive acknowledgement to your email to the Complaints Director after 5 business days, please proceed with a phone call to 780-436-8381 ext. 403.  Your email may have been blocked by the College’s antivirus protection program.

How to Make a Complaint to ACOT

Complaints about occupational therapists practicing in Alberta must be submitted in writing and include the following information:

  • the full name of the occupational therapist
  • as much detail as possible about your complaint
  • your daytime telephone number, your email address, and your mailing address
  • your signature

Your written statement* can be sent to the Complaints Director:

  • mail to the attention of the Complaints Director, Alberta College of Occupational Therapists 312-8925 51 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5J3
  • email to
  • fax to 780-434-0658

*If you are unable to submit a complaint in writing or require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Complaints Director.

What happens once your complaint is received by ACOT?

Under the Health Professions Act, the Complaints Director has the discretion to follow several courses of action, including (but not limited to):

  • attempt to resolve the complaint, if both parties consent 
  • request an expert to assess and provide a written report on the subject matter of the complaint 
  • conduct, or appoint an investigator to conduct, an investigation
  • dismiss the complaint 
  • refer the matter to the Hearings Director for a hearing

A trauma informed process is followed throughout the Complaints Process. Each process ensures fairness to both the complainant and the occupational therapist named in the complaint. Within 30 days of receiving a complaint, the Complaints Director will give notice to the complainant of the action taken with respect to the complaint. 

Diagram of the Complaints Process

Diagram of the Professional Conduct Hearing

Diagram of the Professional Conduct Appeal