Mandatory eLearning Modules
An eLearning module for the updated Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada has been developed and is now being loaded into an online learning platform. The Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada reflect the broad range of skills and abilities required of all occupational therapists in Canada at every stage of their career. All occupational therapists are expected to stay informed and understand how to apply these competencies to their practice. Note the new Competencies will help inform the refresh of ACOT’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
All of ACOT’s registered OTs will be required to complete the eLearning module by the end of February 2023 with an expectation to show proof of completion during renewal for the 2023-2024 registration year. More details to follow once the link to the eLearning module is available, which we expect in September 2022.
Going forward, ACOT will continue to require completion of mandatory training as an expectation for continuing competence and registration renewal. The learning materials will be free to access online, and completion of the learning can be recorded in your CCP Learning Plan. Anticipated topics for the next few years include:
2022-2023 – Introduction to Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada,
2023-2024 – Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct (a reprise of the same modules which were mandatory in 2020-21),
2024-2025 – Introduction to ACOT’s new Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics,
2025-2026 – Acting Against Racism and Intolerance

Continuing Competence Spring & Summer Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the CCP? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Would you like the opportunity to get quick and easy advice from ACOT staff while you login and add content to your own CCP? Or network with other OTs from across the province about how they approach selecting indicators or creating their learning plans for their practice area/setting?
If so, join us for our 30 mins, Spring and Summer CCP Meet Ups. No need to pre-register, just click on the link for the session date/time below.