Reviews of CCP Submissions Completed The Review and Evaluation of the 10% of randomly selected 2020-21 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Learning Plans is complete. A big thank-you to the ten...(Read Article)
Tag: Continuing competence
CCP Meetup Tomorrow, 2-factor Authentication, Complaints Tip
Next CCP Meetup September 8, 2021 at 3pm The CCP Meet Ups are intended as a quick and easy way to get advice from ACOT and other OTs on what to document in your continuing competence...(Read Article)
Review and Evaluation Results, CCP Meetup Sept. 8, Two-factor Authentication, Complaints Tip
Review and Evaluation Results Registrants who had their 2020-2021 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions reviewed this year will be notified of their results in September (accessed and...(Read Article)
Review and Evaluations Resuming
ACOT’s governing legislation requires us to select a sample of OT’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions periodically for review and evaluation (formerly known as audits). We...(Read Article)
Virtual Practice, Review and Evaluations Resuming
Virtual Practice across Provinces The Occupational Therapy regulators across Canada are in process of creating a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) whereby OTs providing virtual services in...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) News
Quarterly Continuing Competence Program Meet Ups Do you need a refresher on how to add or edit content in your annual continuing competence Learning Plan? Would you like advice and guidance on...(Read Article)
Registration Renewal Reminder, Review & Evaluations
Registration Renewal Reminder As of February 17, 2021, almost half of our close to 2,400 OTs have completed their registration renewal for 2021-2022, and 386 OTs are in the process of completing...(Read Article)
Your CCP, January Open Forum Selection, Renewal Opening January 1, Happy Holidays
Editing & Updating Your Continuing Competence Program (CCP) We’ve received several questions about whether it is acceptable to change Learning Plan goals, for example, to reflect changes in...(Read Article)
Continuing Competence Program Info Sessions Dec 2020 – Jan 2021 & Open Forum Summary
Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Information Sessions - Back by popular demand! ACOT is hosting another set of virtual CCP information sessions in December and January. The sessions this year...(Read Article)
CCP Survey Reminder, OT Month & Open Forum
CCP Review and Evaluation Process Survey Reminder There’s still time to have YOUR say! ACOT is gathering input on its proposed Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Review and Evaluation...(Read Article)