A Message from ACOT’s President Happy Occupational Therapy Month! https://youtu.be/QYE51UjaLHM CCP Meetups Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the Continuing Competence...(Read Article)
Tag: Code of Ethics
OT MONTH – A Message from ACOT’s CEO/Registrar, Refreshed SoP and CoE and the New CCPM Are Live, Practice Query Webinars are Live!
A Message from ACOT’s CEO/Registrar Happy Occupational Therapy Month! A message from ACOT’s CEO & Registrar. https://youtu.be/8LE5phAl0_w Refreshed SoP and CoE and the New CCPM...(Read Article)
Queries – What to Expect, Fall CCP Meet Ups, Reminder for Private Practice OTs
What to Expect When You Contact ACOT About a Practice Query Do you have a practice question that you want some input on? Are you wondering how ACOT responds to practice queries? Here is what you...(Read Article)
Welcome, Thank You and Congratulations
Welcome ACOT is pleased to announce that Jennifer MacKendrick Weber has joined our team in the role of Director, Regulation & Policy. Jennifer comes to us from Alberta Health Services...(Read Article)
OTs and Diagnosis Survey, A Farewell, and ACOT is Hiring
Looking for up to Twenty Volunteers - OTs and Diagnosis Survey ACOT is exploring the current role of occupational therapists in diagnosing physical and mental health conditions. We have...(Read Article)
ACOT’s Mandate and Governing Council, Is Your Private Practice Listed?
ACOT’s Mandate and Our Governing Council Did you know that ACOT’s primary mandate is protection of the public interest? To fulfill this mandate, ACOT’s operations include our registration...(Read Article)
Council Open Forum Reminder
Council Open Forum You’re invited to participate in ACOT Council’s open forum on Saturday April 20, 2024 from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. online at click here on April 20 to join...(Read Article)
Communication Tips from ACOT’s Complaints Director
Occupational therapists often ask how they can avoid complaints from clients. While there is no specific formula to 100% protect yourself from a complaint, the good news is that there are things you...(Read Article)
THANK YOU, EARLY BIRDS Hats off to our proactive Alberta OTs who've already renewed their registration for 2024-2025! Your commitment to meeting this requirement is truly appreciated. We would...(Read Article)
Renewal Reminders We have the first week of practice permit renewal under our belts and are pleased to report that we have a record number of registrants with renewed permits so far compared to...(Read Article)