CCP Support Series 15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!! Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would...(Read Article)
SoP/CoE Input Session – TODAY @ Noon and FRIDAY @ 9am
Please join us at one of the following SoP/CoE Input Sessions. Click here to join today’s session - Thursday December 8 – Noon-1pm Or join tomorrow instead - Friday December 9 –...(Read Article)
SoP/CoE Input Sessions & eLearning Mandatory Module
Have Your Say on ACOT’s New Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics You are welcome to join one of the 1-hour SoP/CoE Input Sessions scheduled in December. No need to pre-register, just click...(Read Article)
OT Month! CCP Meet Ups & eLearning Mandatory Module
OT Month! As OT Month comes to an end, ACOT wants to send a heartfelt thank-you to you all for your hard work supporting Albertans and your dedication to the profession. #otmonth...(Read Article)
Seeking Newly Practicing OTs & Standards of Practice Refresh
ACOTRO Call for Participants! Seeking Newly Practicing OTs Are you an occupational therapist that has practiced for two years or less? We are seeking your participation to pilot an open-book,...(Read Article)
Alberta OT for SEAS Work, CCP Quick Support, Permit Renewal
Looking for an Alberta OT for SEAS Work All internationally educated occupational therapists (IEOTs) who wish to work as an OT in Canada must first complete the Substantial Equivalency Assessment...(Read Article)