The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists is seeking 3 occupational therapists to join the 9 member Council (6 elected occupational therapists, 2 public members and 1 ex-officio) for a...(Read Article)
Call for Nominations 2017
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists is seeking 3 occupational therapists to join the 9-member Council (6 elected occupational therapists, 2 public members and 1...(Read Article)
Alberta College of Occupational Therapists Council Non Confidence Vote
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists has received 220 signatures calling for a vote of non confidence in the Council. This accounts for more than 10% of registered members, and as a result...(Read Article)
Renewal is Now Open!
Your current practice permit expires at midnight on February 28, 2017. All practice permits must be renewed online at in the members section. Your User ID is your College...(Read Article)
December eNews – Renewal Opens January 1, 2017
You will be able to renew your practice permit online beginning on January 1, 2017 – February 28, 2017. Your online continuing competence program must be completed before you renew. All Practice...(Read Article)
November eNews – ACOT Town Hall Announcement
Great ideas are only a lunch away… ACOT is looking for your insights about how best to serve Albertans, so we’re hosting lunch-hour town halls in Edmonton and Calgary. Together we’ll have an...(Read Article)
October eNews – Annual Report is Now available!
The 2015-2016 Annual Report of the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists has been submitted to the Minister of Health and Wellness for tabling in the Legislature. The Annual Report is also...(Read Article)
September eNews – You’re Invited
Let’s mark this moment. Please join the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists and your fellow professionals in celebrating ten years of regulation under the Health Professions Act. We are...(Read Article)
August eNews – Is your profile up to date?
The Health Professions Act, RSA 2000 cH-7 s33 (3-4) and the Occupational Therapists Profession Regulation (AR217/2006) s35 requires that regulated members must provide personal and employment...(Read Article)
June eNews: ACOT 10 Year Celebrations
October 2016 marks the 10 year anniversary of the proclamation of the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists under the Health Professions Act. In order to celebrate this special occasion the...(Read Article)