Happy World OT Day!
Today is World OT Day! Occupational Therapy Day was first launched on 27th October 2010 by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). Since then, it has become an important date in the occupational therapy calendar to promote and celebrate the profession internationally.

ACOT Council and committees have been working diligently since 2020 on the AARI Final Report and recommendations. Council President, Jennifer Lee, speaks to celebrating all that Occupational Therapists do to promote equity and culturally safer practice.
Click the photo below to learn more and to stay up to date with the Acting Against Racism and Intolerance Project, visit https://acot.ca/serving-the-public/anti-racism-equity-and-inclusion/ #otmonth #occupationaltherapy

Continuing Competence Autumn Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the CCP? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Would you like the opportunity to get quick and easy advice from ACOT staff while you login and add content to your own CCP? Or network with other OTs from across the province about how they approach selecting indicators or creating their learning plans for their practice area/setting?
If so, join us for our 30 mins, Autumn CCP Meet Ups. No need to pre-register, just click on the link for the session date/time below.
TODAY Thursday, October 27, 12-1230pm

eLearning Mandatory Module
The 2022 National eLearning Module on the Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada. ACOTRO, ACOTUP & CAOT (2021) is now available in both English and French.
The national eLearning module was developed with the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations (ACOTRO) and in partnership with occupational therapy regulatory bodies across Canada to educate occupational therapists about the 2021 Competencies.
You will have until the end of February 2023 to complete the online module.
You can access the eLearning module here: https://ot-elearning.skillbuilder.co/