The Council

Council Members

Arwen Caines
President, OT – Calgary
Heidi Knupp
Vice-President, OT – Edmonton
Christie Bergman
Councillor, Public Member – Beaumont
Dennis Fitzgerald
Councillor, Public Member – Grande Prairie
Dr. Zahid Rafiq
Councillor, Public Member – Rockyview County
Vacant – Public Member
Joyce Vayalumkal
Councillor, OT – Calgary
Kristin Ward
Councillor, OT – Vermillion
Carrie Hait
Councillor, OT – Edmonton

Strategic Plans

Council Appointments

The term in office for a councillor is three years. Regulated OTs of the College are eligible to stand for appointment if they have practiced occupational therapy for a minimum of one year. To stand for appointment, a regulated OT must complete a form. Regulated OTs interested in standing for appointment or requiring more information should contact the Chair, Appointments Committee at:

Council Meetings

We are governed by a Council that includes occupational therapists elected by their peers, and members of the public appointed by the Alberta government. To learn more about council discussions and decisions, look at our Council Minutes or our Directory of Motions.


Under the Health Professions Act (HPA), ACOT’s Council is responsible for governing the profession in the public’s interest. Council carries out this responsibility by developing and adhering to the Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Bylaws.