Reviews of CCP Submissions Completed
The Review and Evaluation of the 10% of randomly selected 2021-2022 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) submissions is complete. A big thank-you to the eleven members of ACOT’s Competence Committee who acted as Reviewers this year.
We had a total of 279 registrants reviewed this year; 238 new registrants and 41 registrants who were rated as Conditional or Not Acceptable from the 2020-2021 CCP Review and Evaluation. We are pleased to say that 226 or 81% of registrants whose CCPs were reviewed this year had submissions rated as Acceptable where the person’s commitment to reflective practice and continuous learning was evident from the content included in their CCP submission. 53 or 19 % of registrants whose CCPs did not include sufficient evidence of reflective practice and continuous learning received ratings of Conditional or Not Acceptable.
Everyone whose CCP was selected for Review have been notified of their rating. Login to the ACOT online platform to view your Reviewer feedback from the My Documents tab – check out the Guide to Interpreting Your CCP Learning Plan Review for more details. Those with Not Acceptable ratings will connect with ACOT staff for further direction.
This year we will also introduce Practice Visits. The intent is to assess Registrants’ adherence to ACOT’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Registrants who receive a Not Acceptable CCP submission more than once in a five-year period, or Conditional (and/or Not-acceptable) CCP submissions twice or more in a five-year period will be selected for a Practice Visit. ACOT will notify these registrants in the upcoming weeks. Please see the CCP Practice Visits Policy and Procedures and Answers to Registrant Questions about CCP Review and Evaluation and Practice Visits for further details.
ACOT has engaged the Rehabilitation Research Centre at the University of Alberta to conduct an analysis of the data from the 2020-21 and 2021-22 CCP Review and Evaluation. A report summarizing the aggregate results will be drafted and posted on the CCP Review and Evaluation page of the ACOT website when it is finalized. Please reference the past CCP Review Reports using the same link.
Tracking your continuous learning activities and reflections on how those activities have impacted practice via your CCP submission is one-way ACOT meets its mandate of ensuring the public receives competent and ethical OT services.
We appreciate your effort in completing your CCP submission to an acceptable level each year.
Continuing Competence Spring & Summer Meet Ups
Do you need a refresher on why you must complete the CCP? Would you like guidance on what content you should include in each component of the CCP? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Would you like the opportunity to get quick and easy advice from ACOT staff while you login and add content to your own CCP? Or network with other OTs from across the province about how they approach selecting indicators or creating their learning plans for their practice area/setting?
If so, join us for our 30 mins, Spring and Summer CCP Meet Ups. No need to pre-register, just click on the link for the session date/time below.