RFP Reference Number: RFP 2020-01
Release Date: September 18, 2020
Closing Date: October 9, 2020
The Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT) is the regulatory body for over 2,300 occupational therapists (OTs) in Alberta. We are governed by a Council that includes 6 registered OTs and 2 public members appointed by government.
ACOT is inviting proposals for professional services to undertake the following activities:
- Facilitate an Advisory Panel to guide and shape ACOT’s work on Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI);
- Facilitate a Committee of occupational therapists and potentially other stakeholders to carry out the work that is needed within ACOT to identify and address systemic racism that exists in the organization; and
- Review ACOT’s policies, procedures and practices from an anti-racist, anti-colonial and trauma-informed perspective.
- Recommend improvements to ACOT’s policies, procedures and practices that will help to eliminate or mitigate systemic racism and intolerance in the organization.
The goal is to develop an organizational culture free of bias and a fully welcoming College for staff, registrants, stakeholders, Council members and community partners.
ACOT to acknowledges a need for increased vigilance in matters of systemic racism and intolerance. As a Regulatory College, we are members of Alberta’s trusted institutions and we acknowledge our responsibility to take steps to identify and change elements of ACOT’s systems that disproportionately benefit people of privilege. We know that racism will not end until addressing it becomes as much of a priority for ACOT as it is for the people who experience it personally in their everyday lives. ACOT knows this will be a long process and seeks both short- and long-term goals, solutions and changes.
We commit to finding a way for people who experience racism and intolerance to guide and shape our efforts, and to elevate the voices of those who wish to participate in efforts to address any systemic racism and intolerance that exists within ACOT.
The deliverables and objectives of this project include:
- Facilitation of an ongoing Advisory Panel, to be composed of OTs who have experienced systemic racism or intolerance within or outside of ACOT, with the objectives of:
- Providing a brave trauma-informed space for the Advisory Panel to discuss how they have been affected by systemic racism or intolerance within or outside of ACOT;
- Identifying the desired objectives and outcomes to steer the efforts of a larger Committee of OTs working on AARI within ACOT;
- Facilitation of an ongoing AARI Committee of OTs with the objective of carrying out the work identified by the Advisory Panel, with potential to expand the Committee membership to include other stakeholders/clients of OTs;
- Performing an environmental scan of other Alberta Colleges to identify the AARI work they are doing and any lessons learned from that work;
- Review and evaluation of ACOT’s policies and processes, with the objectives of:
- Identifying which policies and processes may contribute to systemic racism and intolerance in ACOT;
- Identifying what can and cannot be changed in ACOT’s applicable legislation, standards of practice and code of ethics;
- Recommending improvements that can be made in the short- and long-term to help eliminate or mitigate systemic racism and intolerance within ACOT;
- Recommending education that registrants may need to support AARI work within their own practice.
- Develop, in conjunction with ACOT staff and Council, a detailed work plan and schedule for the overall project including the OT consultation processes;
- Consult with the Advisory Panel to obtain information on lived experiences with racism an intolerance in relation to ACOT’s registration, continuing competence and practice guidance processes; identify known issues, assess priorities for addressing issues, set objectives and monitor progress;
- Kick off meeting of the AARI Committee.
4.2. Research
- Identify and implement applicable assessment tools for the AARI
Committee to evaluate ACOT’s policies and processes;
- Survey other Alberta Colleges to identify the AARI work they are doing and any lessons learned from that work;
- Collect, review and evaluate existing governing legislation, standards of practice and code of ethics for ACOT.
4.3. Consult & Facilitate Input
- Organize, and conduct, at minimum, three Advisory Panel sessions between October 2020 and September 2021:
- One session to discuss lived experience with racism and intolerance
and how this should inform AARI Committee objectives;
- Two sessions to review progress of the AARI Committee, and to
provide recommendations for the Committee’s next steps.
- Organize and conduct four AARI Committee sessions between October 2020 and September 2021:
- One session to be conducted to provide the Committee with an overview of education materials, and to create Terms of Reference for the Committee;
- One session to discuss the direction and objectives provided by the Advisory Panel;
- Two sessions to present, discuss and work on next steps recommended for ACOT (e.g. analysis of existing policies and procedures).
- Prepare all materials, including invitations, educational and other materials for each session.
- One session to discuss lived experience with racism and intolerance
4.4. Prepare Report and Recommendations for Improvements to ACOT’s Policies and Processes
- Create a concise overview of the processes the Advisory Panel and the AARI Committee followed to develop their recommendations;
- Summarize research findings from sections 4.2 and 4.3;
- Prepare and present the Committee’s recommendations to ACOT’s Council.
The total budget for this project is not to exceed $15,000 including all disbursements and contingencies. Terms and timelines for payment will be negotiated in the contract for services and will be based on receipt of written invoices from the Consultant(s) for services completed.
To ensure a proposal is considered for evaluation it should include all the information requested and be presented in the order described below.
6.1. Cover Letter
A covering letter, dated and signed by a person authorized to negotiate, make commitments, and provide any clarifications with respect to the proposal on behalf of the bidding consultant(s) or firm. Provide a statement indicating your company’s understanding of the proposed project and the deliverables required. Provide an indication of any proposed deviations or exceptions to the terms and conditions outlined in this RFP document.
6.2. Proposed Project Plan
A proposed project plan, with timelines, that indicates the steps to be taken from start of the contract to adoption of the AARI Committee’s recommendations.
6.3. Project Resources
Qualifications and Experience
Project Team
Identify the lead consultant and provide a breakdown of qualifications for each member of the project team including:
- Name;
- Role;
- Responsibility;
- Location;
- Estimated amount of time each resource will be dedicated to the project; and
- Resume showing:
- education;
- professional certifications; and
- length and type of experience.
Please supply three client references for your company or lead consultant, including the name and address of the reference and the name, title and phone number of the contact person. Describe how the services provided to these references are similar to the services proposed in the AARI RFP.
6.4. Innovation
Provide details of any possible innovative ideas, suggestions, improvements, recommendations, or opportunities for improvement that would enhance the project, processes or required outcomes indicated within this RFP.
6.5. Costs and Charges
Provide an all-inclusive fixed cost quotation in Canadian funds for the project. Identify the expected costs and their allocation, i.e. Advisory Group facilitation, AARI Committee facilitation, professional wages/fees, contingencies and applicable taxes.
As a potential supplier of these professional services, you are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the terms, conditions, detailed in this document.
A complete Microsoft Word version of your proposal noting the RFP Reference # is to be forwarded to:
Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Attention: Marianne Baird, Registrar
Closing date and time:
October 9, 2020, 4:30 p.m. Alberta Time
Proposals received after the closing time may not be considered.
RFP Release Date: September 18, 2020
Last Day for Written Questions: October 2, 2020 Closing Date: October 9, 2020
Tentative Review and Selection of Consultant: October 12 – October 16, 2020
Inquiries, interpretations, and questions regarding this RFP are to be directed to Marianne Baird, in writing, at marianne.baird@acot.ca Written e-mail questions may be received up to October 2, 2020. Verbal questions may be asked at any time during regular business hours of ACOT, but verbal responses are not binding on either party.
Upon closing, the ACOT will review all proposals for completeness. Only completed proposals will be brought forward to the ACOT Executive for further consideration. Eligible proposals will be evaluated based on the response guidelines in section 6 and financial competitiveness.
The term of any contractual agreement will be from the date of award up to
September 30, 2021.
The selection committee will consist of ACOT’s Executive (President, Vice President and Registrar) and informed by the Advisory Panel. Selection will be based on the consultant’s qualifications and knowledge; related work experience and depth of experience; overall strength of proposal; and proposed remuneration.
Consultants and their sub-consultants may be required to participate in an interview prior to awarding the contract. ACOT reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal deemed most favourable to the interests of ACOT.
The ACOT Executive will negotiate a contractual agreement with the preferred consultant. If the ACOT Executive are unable to negotiate an acceptable contractual agreement with the preferred consultant, then the second preferred consultant may be selected, and a contractual agreement developed. The ACOT Executive, at any time and without liability, may withdraw from negotiations with any potential consultant.
ACOT will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a consultant in preparing and submitting proposals and/or attending interviews. ACOT accepts no liability of any kind to a consultant prior to the signing of a contract.
Submission of a proposal shall not obligate, nor should it be construed as obligating ACOT to accept any such proposal or to proceed further with the project. ACOT may, in their sole discretion, elect not to proceed with the project, and may elect not to accept any or all proposals for any reason.
At all times, the Consultant has the responsibility to notify ACOT, in writing, of any ambiguity, divergence, error, omission, oversight or contradiction contained within the proposal as it is discovered.
Consultants may amend or withdraw their proposals prior to the closing date and time specified in the RFP by way of written or faxed notice to ACOT’s Registrar. After the closing date and time, proposals may not be withdrawn.
Proposals submitted shall be final and may not be altered by subsequent offerings, discussions, or commitments unless the consultant is requested to do so by ACOT.
The consultant must identify any information in its proposal that it considers to be confidential or proprietary.
All proposals and accompanying documentation received under this competition will become the property of ACOT and will not be returned.
ACOT has reserved the right to waive minor non-compliance by a consultant with the requirements of the RFP. This will allow ACOT to consider and possibly accept any proposal which is advantageous even though the proposal may be non-compliant in some minor respect.
ACOT reserves the right to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any or all proposals.
ACOT reserves the right to cancel and/or re-issue this RFP at any time for any reason without penalty.
Prices quoted are to be held firm for a minimum of 120 days following the RFP closing date and shall remain in effect through the duration of an agreement.
The consultant’s proposal shall form part of the contractual agreement by attachment and will be incorporated by reference. Claims made in the proposal shall constitute contractual warranties. Any provision in the proposal may be included in the contractual agreement as direct provision thereof.
The successful consultant agrees to obtain and maintain all professional certifications and licenses necessary to lawfully provide the services required under this request for proposals.
See our ad on Charity Village for this Request for Proposal.