Today’s video features Jennifer Lee, Vice-President of the College Council and Chair of the Acting Against Racism and Intolerance (AARI) Committee. She shares her thoughts on the on-going efforts we can all make in the journey towards anti-racism, equity, and inclusion!
Here are some more social media posts for you to share!
Today we celebrate World Occupational Therapy Day! An OT works to help people optimize their independence to participate in activities they find meaningful in communities they #belong to.
#WorldOTDay #BeYou #occupationaltherapy #otmonth

Two-factor Authentication – It’s On!
ACOT is requiring all registered OTs to use two-factor authentication when using our online registration and continuing competence program system. This update is implemented to further protect your online personal information.
When you login to your profile the system will automatically send you an email with a confirmation code. Check your email and if not found, check your junk mail for info@acot.ca. You have 30 minutes to enter the confirmation code. If the time expires, you can try again.
We encourage you to login before the 2022 renewal.