Registration Renewal, Continuing Competence Program Education Sessions, Open Forum

Registration Renewal is Open!

You are now able to renew your practice permit online at To renew:

  1. start by clicking on the member login icon on the home page. In the user ID line, enter your email on file with ACOT. There is a “forgot your password” prompt if required.
  2. Complete the renewal steps through to registration payment.

What’s new for renewal this year?
• Your user ID is now your preferred email listed with ACOT (the same email address this eNews was sent to), rather than your College registration number.
• Note that practice permits will no longer be sent out by mail, as you can now print them out directly from the online platform.
• You will be prompted to complete your 2019-20 continuing competence program and to start your 2020-21 continuing competence program.

Both of these steps are required before you can proceed to the payment portion of the renewal process.

Be sure to renew before February 29, 2020 to avoid having your practice permit cancelled. Instructions for renewal can be found here.
Note: if you plan to cancel your registration for any reason, please login in to the system to cancel your registration before February 29th, otherwise a cancellation notice will be sent on March 2nd to your last employer we have on file. Instructions on how to cancel your registration can be found in the Guide to Registration Renewal on the ACOT website.

If you require assistance with either renewing or cancelling your practice permit, contact Mallory Foreman, Registration Coordinator at or phone 780.436.8381 extension 101.

Continuing Competence Program Education Sessions

Education sessions on the updated Continuing Competence Program (CCP) are underway and are especially helpful for completing the CCP portion of your registration renewal. If you haven’t had a chance to attend/log-in to a session yet, see below for the most up-to-date list of session dates/times.

January Sessions
7th (10-11am), 22nd (6-7pm) – ACOT office/”Teams” (most current version of Skype for Business)
9th – Grande Prairie 3-4pm in-person (Virene Building)/Skype
15th – Corbett Hall 2-3pm in-person/Teams
16th – Millard Health 2:30-3:30pm (WCB) in-person/Teams
27th – Elmwood School 2:30-3:30pm in-person/Teams
30th – Westview Health Centre noon-1pm in-person (space limited)/Teams
31st – AHS 108 Street Edmonton noon-1pm in-person (space limited)/Teams

If you would like to attend any of the above sessions, please contact to register.

Resources to support you in learning to navigate and complete the new CCP can be found here: Please contact if you have any questions or would like assistance navigating the updated online platform.

Open Forum January 18, 2020

You’re invited to participate in Council’s open forum on Saturday January 18, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon in Edmonton. This is your opportunity to bring forward issues, concerns, questions or any other matter you wish to share with Council, who welcomes your engagement!

The open forum will be held at the ACOT office (312, 8925-51 Avenue, Edmonton, T6E 5J3) and you are welcome to attend in person, by teleconference or LifeSize (similar to Skype and Teams). If you would like to participate, please R.S.V.P to Mallory Foreman by Tuesday January 14th and let us know if you prefer to attend in person or join us via LifeSize or teleconference. Lunch will be available for participants after the open forum – please indicate whether you will also be joining us for lunch.

We value your input, knowledge, and experiences and hope that you will join us at this open forum! If you have any questions about the open forum or require more information, please contact Marianne Baird, Registrar or phone 780.436.8381 ext. 105.