July eNews – New features in your online profile

Recently the College has added some new features to your online member profile. You can now access your official tax receipts as well as your practice hours by logging into the members section.

Once you have logged in to the members section you can access your receipts by clicking on the “Receipts” tab at the top of the page. You will have access to your tax receipts from the last seven years.

The College has also added practice hours to your profile. To see your practice hours that have been submitted for the past five years you can click on the “view your profile” tab at the top of the page. The practice hours are located at the bottom of your profile page beneath the continuing competence program.

If you have any questions about the new features in you online profile please contact Mallory Foreman at T: (780) 436-8381 x 101 or E: registration@acot.ca