More Draft Standards Ready for Review
Thanks to the hard work of the Standards of Practice Working Group and Refresh Steering Committee, the next two draft Standards of Practice (SoP) are ready for your review and comment accordance with Health Professions Act – HPA s133(2).
This time around we are including a mock-up of the SoP Table of Contents and the SoP Introduction to provide a sense of where we are headed with the SoP Refresh overall. For convenient access, the Table of Contents and Introduction have been compiled into one document together with the draft Communication & Collaboration and Service Delivery SoP – access the compiled document here.
A survey to capture your feedback on the SoP Introduction and the draft Communication & Collaboration and Service Delivery SoP has been created. You are welcome to complete the survey on your own or as a group (e.g., at a staff/team meeting, community of practice meet-up, etc.)
We look forward to hearing from as many registered members of ACOT as possible. The survey will remain open until Thursday October 20th @ Noon – plan for ~40 minutes to complete.
If you need additional time to accommodate completion of the survey with a group, please reach out to Angela Meneley, Director, Policy & Practice, to make arrangements for an extension.
We look forward to hearing from you!