Council Election, ACOT Staff Changes, COVID-19 Updates, Pro-Bono Psychology Services, Medical Device Standards

Council Election

ACOT has received a great response to our call for applications for its two open Council positions. In the coming weeks we will send an election package to all registrants, including the information submitted by the applicants and details on how and when to vote.

ACOT Staff Changes

After over 13 years of faithful service to ACOT, our Complaints Director, Patricia Wheadon, is heading to a well-deserved retirement. ACOT wishes Patricia all the best in her next adventures. Taking over for Patricia are Ambere Porter, Operations Manager, and Kerstin Hurd, Complaints Director. Welcome Ambere and Kerstin! We are fortunate to have some transition time in April when Patricia will impart her organizational knowledge to Ambere and Kerstin, so you may reach all three of them during that time.

COVID-19 Updates

As your email boxes are filling up with COVID-19 notifications from numerous sources, ACOT will no longer be sending COVID-19 updates by email. Instead, click on the red COVID-19 PANDEMIC INFORMATION banner at the top of the ACOT website for the latest updates in the eNews section. Updates will occur at least weekly and more frequently if needed.

Please note that the updates from ACOT pertain to those that fall within our public service/public protection mandate. For supports available to you as a professional during these challenging times, you may wish to refer to the various resources prepared by both SAOT and CAOT – these resources can be accessed from either site whether you hold membership with them or not.

Pro-Bono Psychology Services

Pro-bono psychology services are now available to front line health care providers and first responders through both the Canadian Psychological Association and the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta

Medical Device Standards

For those of you that work with medical devices, Alberta Health has updated their reusable and single use medical devices guidance, which can be found at this link: