15-Minute Renewal & Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Support Series are now offered DAILY!!!
Do you need a quick refresher on the annual 4-Step Renewal Process? Would you like to know why you must complete the CCP? Or do you need guidance on how to edit your profile? Or how to add a Learning Activity Record? Or how to write a fulsome reflection? Are you limited in time and want a targeted session that is 15 minutes in length?
If so, please join ACOT staff for one of our daily 15-Minute Renewal & CCP Support Series sessions hosted via Microsoft Teams meetings. No need to pre-register, just click on the link for the session date/time below.
Part 2. How do I complete my Profile Update? (Step 1 of Renewal)
Part 3. How do I wrap up my 2022-23 CCP & initiate my 2023-24 CCP? (Steps 2 & 3 of Renewal)
Part 4. What is an acceptable Reflection & what are the expectations for the 6 components of the CCP? (Steps 2 & 3 of Renewal)

Black History Month
ACOT is committed to implementing the short- medium- and long-term recommended actions outlined in the AARI Final Report See our website for our commitment to Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion – Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT)

Reminder to Add Your Private Practice During Renewal
Are you one of the many OTs in the province who sees clients privately? If so, you’ll need to ensure your practice is listed in ACOT’s system. If you haven’t listed your private practice in prior years, remember to add it as part of your profile update during renewal, in the section asking about employers.
Note that even if you have just one or two clients you see privately, this is still considered a private practice that ACOT wants to track, so we have an accurate count of OTs supplying private practice services in Alberta. When adding private practice to your profile, remember it takes up to 10 days for this to be approved and added into the system, so remember to do this well before the end of February. Thank you!