ACOT’s Mandate and Governing Council, Is Your Private Practice Listed?

ACOT’s Mandate and Our Governing Council

Did you know that ACOT’s primary mandate is protection of the public interest? To fulfill this mandate, ACOT’s operations include our registration functions, continuing competence program, handling complaints about registered occupational therapists, annual reporting to the Ministry of Health, and creation plus enforcement of our Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics and various Practice Guidelines. If you have questions about how ACOT’s Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics and various Practice Guidelines fit within your practice environment, you can contact us.

ACOT is governed by a Council comprised of registered occupational therapists as well as public members of Council appointed by the Ministry of Health. Our Council keeps an eye on national and international regulatory trends such as amalgamation of Colleges in British Columbia and the implications for ACOT, as this is important for protecting the public interest. Council’s meeting minutes can be found on our website.

Is Your Private Practice Listed with ACOT?

Did you know that even if you see a couple of clients “on the side” that you need to include this private practice as an employer in your ACOT profile? This requirement is listed in sections 33(4)(b)(iii) and 33(4.1) of the Health Professions Act and clause 14.(1)(b) of the ACOT Bylaws. Check out section G on page 9 of the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About: Private Practice document for instructions on how to name and add your private practice to your profile page in the online platform. Email if you require assistance.

Listing your private practice, no matter how many clients you see, is required. Additionally, it improves the accuracy of ACOT’s reporting to the Ministry of Health regarding the number of ACOT registrants in private practice.

See also ACOT’s practice guideline – Private Practice: Legislative and Regulatory Considerations.