CCP Review and Evaluation

CCP Review and Evaluation

According to the Health Professions Act, Section 50(2)(b), ACOT may provide practice visits, examinations, interviews or other competence assessments of the regulated members. 

ACOT’s Council has approved the following Policies and Procedures for both review and evaluation of individual CCP submissions as well as review and evaluation of the CCP as a whole. The CCP Submission Rubric outlines the criteria for how each section of an OT’s CCP Submission will be reviewed for acceptability.

Practice Visits

Section 51 of the Health Professions Act allows for Practice Visits.

CCP Practice Visits Policy and Procedure

Past CCP Review Reports

CCP Review 2019 (see Appendix A for CCP Audit 2018)

CCP Review and Evaluation 2021

Published Manuscript, November 23, 2023 : Evaluation of a Reflection-Based Program for Health Professional Continuing Competence.