Patient Relations Program

In April 2019 the Health Professions Act was updated to require all Colleges to develop a patient relations program related to prevention of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct. ACOT’s Patient Relations Program includes two components: funding for counselling or therapy services for patients, and education to prevent sexual abuse and misconduct.

Funding for Counselling or Treatment Services for Patients

    ACOT’s Patient Relations Program provides support to patients who have been impacted by sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by an occupational therapist. Patients who qualify for the Patient Relations Program are offered access to funding for treatment or counselling services related to their complaint.

    Funded treatment or counselling is confidential and voluntary. It is coordinated through Homewood Health, an independent third-party administrator. ACOT has no access to any of the information regarding the services provided.

    If you have submitted a complaint and qualify for funding through the Patient Relations Program, you will receive a letter from the Complaints Director outlining how to access services.

    If your complaint is dismissed or the occupational therapist is found not guilty, funding under the Patient Relations Program will end, either as of the date the complaint is dismissed or the date on the hearing tribunal’s written decision (whichever is applicable).

    Education about Sexual Abuse and Misconduct

    All occupational therapists must complete training on the prevention of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct and maintaining appropriate boundaries every two years. In addition, selected ACOT staff and all Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee members must complete training on trauma informed approaches to dealing with complaints of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct.